Sponsor in June! | Dearest Lou

Sponsor in June!

Hello friends, June is almost here and it's going to be a surprisingly exciting month! I can guarantee that sponsoring with Dearest Lou will send some traffic your way. I’m currently accepting both ad purchases and sponsor swaps! Keep in mind that in order to qualify for a sponsor swap you MUST have a minimum of 300 followers on a single platform. If you purchase your spot before May 28, 2012 you will get a 20% discount! 

D I S C O U N T  P R I C E S
Featured Ad: $20 || Medium Ad: $12 || Small Ad: $8

After the 28th rates will go back up to their regular prices listed on my sponsor page!

If you have any additional questions not mentioned on my sponsor page or ready to purchase email me at dearestlou@gmail.com. I look forward to the possibility of working with you!


  1. I would like to do this sometime..but I don't qualify with my members yet! How do you get more traffic to your blog??

  2. hi sweetie! thanks for your coment on my blog! i did not know about yours, what about following eachother? i am following you now..

