Z at 9 months | Dearest Lou

Z at 9 months

I totally skipped Z's 8 month post ): We were having a little too much fun up in Washington enjoying our vacation and I never got around to taking shots or writing his update. 

While we were away in Washington, Zaden finally started to teeth. He now has 2 pearly white bottom teeth. Teething made nursing really hard, especially since he would bite me every now and again (probably due to sore gums). We still have a few occurrences with biting but it seems to get better each day. He will not take a bottle and he will eat some foods but is still fully nursing. I don't see us weaning anytime soon.

Zaden has finally got this crawling thing down. He isn't super fast by any means but he can get around wherever he needs to go. There are a few times here and there where I worry that he's going to topple over and hit his head but he's pretty good at catching himself now.

His hair is finally starting to grow and I think his chub is slowly starting to go away. He never became a super chunky baby but I'm okay with that as long as he's healthy. I'm pretty positive he will be long and lean like his daddy.

My favorite thing about 9 month Z is that he is full of emotions. Even though he cannot speak he will let you know what is on his mind. I love his little squeal of delight he does whenever he is really excited about something. I also love this little thing he does whenever he is really pissed off. It's kind of hard to explain but he clutches his hands into a first, holds his breath, grinds his little gums, and lets out a little noise that I don't even know where to begin to type it. It's so funny.

Zaden's outfit: Shirt, Oshkosh// Jeans, Oshkosh// Vest, Baby Gap// Shoes, Baby Gap// Beanie, Walmart

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