Sponsor Info | Dearest Lou

Sponsor Info

I'm excited to once again offer sponsorship on Dearest Lou. I would love to share your shop, business, or blog with my readers. Email me at dearestlou@gmail.com if you would like Zaden or I to wear one of your items in an outfit post or if you are interested in collaborating in some other way with Dearest Lou. I'm open to all ideas but have a limited amount of sidebar space, giveaway weeks, and product review posts.

Blog Stats (as of 10/15/13)

Averaging about 700-1,000 page views per day. 

-2,270 gfc subscribers
-1,525 bloglovin subscribers
- 1,151 instagram followers
-818 facebook "likes"
-749 pinterest followers
- 685 twitter followers

Look forward to the possibility of working together!

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